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Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Watching them mix different color was pretty relaxing lol

Its fun to watch people who are passionate about do what they do

Kirito • 1 year ago

Gil bows down to myne and his face looks like it's the end of the world he's just sad

That illustration after the ED is great too

Kirito • 1 year ago

Yeah that illustration at the end looks like it can be used to a cover picture it's so nice

Veldora • 1 year ago

Same for me.

Iceknight Magna • 1 year ago

I love the realistic difficulty in craftsmanship in this anime. If it were western media, everything would be solved in minutes like it nothing.

Kirito • 1 year ago

I really love that mixing stuff to produce color ink scene it's so nice and really exciting because we don't know what color is gonna show up that was so good to watch and myne is upset about that for some reason

Ana Mert Kraków • 1 year ago

It's called chemistry and you can do it in this world too.

Satsuki Shizuka • 1 year ago

Heidi has the spirit of SCIENCE right there, but nooo, Main just wants results.

Ruvion • 1 year ago

she's suppressing her urges to deviate from the original task, not capitalism.....

Shogo • 1 year ago

I wish MC wasn't so limited in her worldly views and we actually got some chemistry explanation there.

Warfun • 1 year ago

Yeah, but at the same time the fact, that she isn't some kind of know-it-all that does everything skilllfuly is what makes her unique and makes her character grounded in reality.

Kevin Sears • 1 year ago

yeah, she's really smart, but how many 22 year old librarians are deeply knowledgeable in all things?
Maine is a history buff, with experience in homecrafts. it would be unreasonable to expect her to bring in electricity, advanced plumbing, architecture, advanced arithmetic, and chemistry... and Computer engineering, radio broadcasting and telecommunications... ... lol

to pull out one of these specialized fields: the invention by sir thomas crapper to create the flush mechanism of the modern toilet got the man knighted... the crapper and co logo can still be found on manhole covers and toilets in London. a toilet might be able to be worked through. but creating a temperature controlled plumbing (because they have bad winters, and pipes freeze) with proper backflow traps and septic tanks and filters? I doubt she knows half of what would go into that... and then theres the matter of actually making the parts... there's a reason we hire plumbers and don't do plumbing jobs ourselves... one either works an apprenticeship or goes through a trade school to learn what one needs to know. Maine is just a librarian.

this being said, its best that maine remains realistic in regards to the extent of her knowledge. while she knows a little bit about many things, she certainly doesn't know the hows and whys to them. and certainly cannot advance this world's technology to be on par with ours all on her own, with only the knowledge from her memories as a 22 year old librarian.
she CAN however, make many of the cruder things leading up to our worlds technology. she might be able to make a typewriter, but I don't think computers are going to happen. and cell phones? forget it.

dre • 1 year ago

She is a history buff, knows basic knowledge of many topics, and is EXPERIENCED with homecrafts. In other words she knows enough about basic chemistry that you'd learn in high school or dealing with home crafts, or from reading history to know that different oils are likely to react with the paper and/or pigments in unpredictable (for her) ways. She should also realize that even if she gets a pigment she likes that it might react to the paper and end up influencing the color as well. This is honestly pretty basic info if you know anything about art history, let alone basic knowledge of chemistry. I mean the Chinese came up with gun powder like 3000 years ago. Thats already basic chemistry right there. Plus colored pigments shouldn't be new to these guys. Presumably they already have stuff they use for painting and whatnot. Its not that far a stretch to utilize some of that information towards coming up with an ink suitable for printing books instead of paintings. You don't see them walking around in plain white/brown clothes everywhere. They obviously know how to pigment stuff.

Also, humans have had basic plumbing since the Roman empire, maybe even before. They built indoor bath houses with running water and used aquifers and aqueducts as well as many other advanced engineering techniques. What they didn't have was knowledge of chemistry, particle physics, and metallurgy that we have now. Flush toilets in a home? No way. Basic amenities like a common water source? Easily. Plus these guys have magic. Magic, bro. Freaking MAGIC.

Sojtus • 1 year ago

You know the fact that she was a history buff kinda makes even more annoying that she is so damn shortsighted with what her inventions might bring down on her head. She already has troubles with the church and nobles surely she had to be aware that something so big as printing press could easily get her whole family killed.

Kai Kazuhiro • 1 year ago

Sadly it will just become bloat, since it's not the focus of the story. Remember this anime ALREADY CUT A LOT OF FLUFF CONTENT, just to fit it in an episode.

robert mcconnell • 1 year ago

do you happen to know where this episode falls in the light novel?

Kubey • 1 year ago

This should still be part 2 vol 3

Kirito • 1 year ago

Idk why Lutz is kinda like josefy yosefu Lutz is so funny

One Short Pause • 1 year ago

remember while myne has had college education and has read tons of book she knows how chemistry works, but being in a world with magic will throw your knowledge off. also like it has been stated before only rich and in and nobles get educated. so even if she says it chemistry their world has not made a table of elements or anything about atoms

Kevin Sears • 1 year ago

wrong on that point. Maine is not a college graduate. She was a Librarian. and while she has read alot of books, her interest was primarily in history. you can't expect her to have an in depth knowledge of chemistry any more than you can expect her to be able to create circuit boards and make a cell phone... she might know about circuit boards and even how they work, but that doesn't mean she has the knowledge to make one that works, and certainly not enough to make a computer.
there's a big difference between knowing about something... and actually knowing something.

Hombre Tigre • 1 year ago

It's actually kind of interesting when the girl shown an enthusiastic interest on the mystery like how do 2 different ingredients turns into that specific color. Since Main already introduced to the world her inventions from the previous world, maybe If the girl could focus and study further and discover new things , they could literally introduce "SCIENCE" onto this world.

Not to mention the kid at the end with the illness-like chicken pox. Welp, this is just what I was thinking . not that I expect this thing to happen .

Adam Jenkins • 1 year ago

minor spoiler. The colour issue is related to Mana in the ingredients.

nekokna • 1 year ago

cool makes sense because like and waves!

Warfun • 1 year ago

If this a spoiler, then use a goddamn spoiler feature (button that looks like a crossed out eye)

dre • 1 year ago

Explaining details of how the world works because the guys doing the anime didn't bother to explain it isn't really a spoiler unless it somehow relates to a plot point they haven't explained yet...

Divine1910 • 1 year ago

Watching the child have rashes was concerning. :(

nekokna • 1 year ago

guess it will go like mikmaids and smallpox was it? will they invent inoculations?wait google tells the milkmaid story was not the actual thing for that story lol

dre • 1 year ago

Not sure but I'm guessing it has something to do with Main and her leaking magic or something. I'm expecting next episode that her brother has the same reaction and thats why they were both crying when she came around.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Oh no dirk has a rashes that was fast it was just 1 day that they received that baby and now they have to take turns to take care of that dirk

joseph debbah • 1 year ago

it's probably just a milk allergy...they need to change the milk asap tho

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

OH WOW!!! The Head Priest is in cahoots with the nobles in regards to Main! NOT ******* SURPRISED!!!

I told y'all, had Main Tanya'd him long ago, it'd have been all for the better! XD

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Well you know what they say....

Down with bad nobles lol

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago


Sprayquaza • 1 year ago

Id pay to watch them suffer , 1 dollar for each broken finger!

Paisho • 1 year ago

Then heal them and start over again!

*keyaru intensifies*

Kevin Sears • 1 year ago

heal him back deformed, unrecognizable, and set him to begging. May all he tries to tell that he is a noble believe he's just a delusional old commoner.

ANIMETOR • 1 year ago

heal him back a commoner *anos voldiGOAT intensifies* ..

they are all pretty deformed as is anyway xD

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

I'd pay $5 for each toe being broke. XD

how many for the crown jewels

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago


Kirito • 1 year ago

What's with this episode it's full of babies

Fadril • 1 year ago

It surprised me to see the High Priest/High Bishop so composed. I have grown accustomed seing him as a complete jackass.

It seems even with all of his shortcomings, he is still (culturally at least) a noble.

Nobles in this world practice hiding their true emotions from very young

Triduo • 1 year ago

Paradoxe : If she had, she'd be searched for murder of a religious figure... Not that the figure itself is that important though. -___-

QuadL • 1 year ago

Searched? Oh, you mean wanted? Yeah they'd have a manhunt out for her arrest and she would likely have been imprisoned and used solely for her manna until she was "uncontrollable" then killed off.

Nantanat Aeimhirunkailas • 1 year ago

Nah! I think it would be the exact opposite, considering that he might have a lot of connections with nobles and Myne doesn't have any position to back her up. Also, she still can't control her magic. Killing that old jerk back then might turn every nobles in the country against her and she would be killed or executed with her family.

Shogo • 1 year ago

What does it mean to be "Tanya'd"?